Research consultancy
Our services to research groups include experimental strategy design, problem solving, project management and overall guidance. Your job is to brainstorm new research strategies, find solutions for practical problems, or guide the members of your research group in experimental design. When your time is limited and other duties pile up, assistance is not far. Let us help you to get through hard times. With over 20 years of experience and past services involving a broad range of research fields, we can offer help where it is most needed.
Bioinformatic analysis
Get the most from your microbial sequences. Have the secrets of the genome of your pet organism unraveled by an expert who knows the tools as well as the micro-organism. A BLAST search does not tell the complete story of your newly-identified genes. Let us assist you to get the maximum out of the information that is available. You will be surprised how much more there is to discover.
Project Management
The management of research networks can be an ungrateful job. Your partners don't always appreciate the time and effort, but without that, the network would fall apart. We can assist in project management, coordination, science communication and dessimination.
Scientific publications
Sometimes life is just too busy. The experiments were finished in time, but the paper is still not drafted. And competitors don't sleep. Instead of being scooped, let us help you produce your publications. No ghost writing, but assistance is all you need. Tables, figures, literature searches, all this is time consuming. Let an expert do it efficiently and save your time for the real exciting part of your job.
Manuscript Editing
Let us edit your manuscript and enhance your chance that it will enter peer-review for your journal of choice. When we edit your manuscript we not only check the English (style and grammar) but also critically review the scientific contents, figures and tables, and we suggest improvements if necessary. When needed, we also assist in formatting text and references for the journal of choice. Our price varies from 0.03 €/word to 0.06 €/word, depending on the amount of work required. Your data will be handled strictly confidential.