Bacteria: the Benign, the Bad and the Beautiful
Trudy M. Wassenaar (2011).
John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
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Trudy Wassenaar has authored over one hundred publications in peer-reviewed journals. Her H-factor is 52 (Google Scolar) and 30 publications have been cited over 100 times. Resarch Gate lists a h-index of 46 (45 excluding self citations).
A list of publications in journals indexed in PubMed can be found here.
Trudy M. Wassenaar (2011).
John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
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Also available for Kindle
Conserved mutations in the latest Monkeypox virus clade were characterized
The current global outbreak of Moneypox virus required a detailed bioinformatic analysis to determine which mutations are consistently present in isolates that are now being detected. Some of these may have caused changes in the virus' behavior, such as increasing the replication rate or virus titers, which needs to be experimentally verified.
The publication describing this work is open source and can be found here